Hartigan/Bradford Team Captures Metro Masters Title
Congratulations goes out to Frank Hartigan and his CFB powerhouse. Jim Bradford skipped their team to victory in the Halifax Metro Masters League with Frank coaching in the wings.
Left to Right: Second Paul Embrett, Mate Art Hood, Coach Frank Hartigan, Skip Jim Bradford and Lead Steve Walsh
Barrington Lobster Spiel B Champions
Congratulations to the Blair Smith team. They recently won the B Division of the Barrington Lobster Spiel!
Left to Right: Steve Ivany, Owen Ivany, Cole Smith and Blair Smith
Fournier Team Scores 8 Ender!
Congratulations to the Louis Fornier team. They scored an 8 Ender recently during the Monday evening draw!
Left to Right : Skip Louis Fournier, Lead Carol Fournier, Second Mabel Ells and Mate Randy Ells
CFB's Men's and Womens Curling Club Champions
Congratualtions to the Blair Pettipas and Tanya Phillips teams who will represent CFB at the upcoming Everest Provincial Curling Club Championships!
(Right to Left) SKIP: Tanya Phillips, MATE: Heather Whiteway, SECOND: Angela Pettipas and LEAD Christine Keddy
Team Phillips will compete in the Women's Everest Provincial Curling Club Championships in Digby, Mar 20-23, 2025
(Right to Left) SKIP Blair Pettipas, MATE Jeff Morse, SECOND Tyler Hoyt and LEAD Scott Coleman
Team Pettipas will be competing in the Men's Everest Provincial Curling Club Championships at Lakeshore Curling Club Mar 5-9, 2025