2022 Club Champions
Congratulations to everyone for another challenging but successful curling season!
CLICK HERE to see the complete results!
Division "A" Winners
Travis Colter, Marie Christianson, Ian Juurlink and Julia Colter
Division "B" Winners
Sean Bray, Jennifer Imlay, Jeremy MacAulay and Erin Bray
Division "C" Winners
Clair Bryan, Stuart Moors, Ann Marie Moors and Wally MacLean (for Ralph Murphy)
Division "D" Winners
Lesley Brewer, Erika Christenson, Kelsie Trenholm and Sarah Gordon
Other Leagues
Wednesday Doubles Winners - "A" Champions: Jon Trider and Diana Trider, "B" Champions: Britanny Sutherland and Meghan Meagher
Sunday Social Winners - SKIP John LeBlanc, MATE Andrew Mott, SECOND Virginia Tompkins and LEAD Jane Cormier
Sunday Morning League Chamionship Division
SKIP Dave Steeves, MATE Sinc Dewis, SECOND Bob Chisholm and LEAD Ralph Murphy (for Bill Horne)
Sunday Morning League Consolation Division
SKIP Ron Pothier, MATE Kilby Townshend, SECOND Daniel Albert and LEAD Shelley Cahill
Team Mosher - NS U21 Representatives
This year there were no Provincial playoffs due to the Covid restrictions. NSCA set up a committee to select the representative, based on their performance so far this year and an evaluation of the team by the High Performance program. This season Team Mosher won the CCE Maritime U21 Spiel, won the Truro Invitational Cashspiel, won the CWG Pre-Trials #1 qualifying for the Trials in April, and were a finalist in the NS Provincial for the 2022 World Qualification Championship. Team Mosher played in six youth events with an overall record of 18 wins and 9 losses.
In Stratford Team Mosher finished just short of the playoffs with a respectable 5-3 record. Congratualtions to the boys and their coach for a fine showing!
SKIP: Nick Mosher, MATE: Sean Beland, SECOND: Evan Hennigar, LEAD: Aidan MacDonald,
ALTERNATE: Owen McPherson
COACH: Danny Christianson
Team Mosher - NS U18 Representatives
Congratualtions goes out to the Nick Mosher team. They finished as runners up in the Provincial U18's at Lakeshore which gave them the spot at U18 as the NS2 team.
They then competed in the National U18's as NS#2 in Oakville, Ontario from May 1-7. They came oh so close... finishing as Runners-Up!
Congratualtions to the boys and their coach on their fine performance.
SKIP: Nick Mosher, MATE: Sean Beland, SECOND: Evan Hennigar, LEAD: Aidan MacDonald,
ALTERNATE: Owen McPherson
COACH: Danny Christianson
CFB Curling Club Champions
Two CFB Men's teams and one Women's team will represent CFB at the upcoming NS Curling Club Provincial Championship in late March!
Congratulations goes out to Tanya Phillips and her team. They were CFB's representatives at the Women's Curling Club Provincial Championship at the Amherst Curling Club, NS, from March 25-27, 2022.
The ladies went all the way to the final and almost pulled off another provincial title. Overall a very fine showing!
SKIP Tanya Phillips, MATE Heather Whiteway, SECOND Angela Pettipas and LEAD Christine Keddy
Congratualtions goes out to Blair Pettipas and his team... and to Jim Bradford and his team. They represented CFB at the Men's Curling Club Provincial Championship at the Bridgewater Curling Club, NS, from March 25-27, 2022.
SKIP Blair Pettipas, MATE Scott Coleman, SECOND Jeff Morse and LEAD Nelson Rice
SKIP Jim Bradford, MATE Shaun Rhyno, SECOND Sherman Jackson and LEAD Brent Barrie